Monthly Archives: February 2011

3 minute fiction

NPR holds a contest; people send in there best three minute stories of fiction, that follow the guidelines set by NPR. Winners are announced, but like always true winners are always buried. Many of the best writers and artists are not valued until people truly understand the work. These works are like buried gold but people never find them, until after the creators lifetime. The winning paper from the first round of NPR is not bad by any standard, but in my opinion not nearly the best. Allechka is short, creative, descriptive, and subtly proves a point. Subtly is key, sometimes the key can take years to find, and then when we find it we see the true gold, and the true beauty of the work. It shows how everyone’s worlds are different, we all know and value different things. We sometimes get caught up in those things, and the beautiful thing that Allechka does i that it sets up the story were there is a predictable ending that thousands have written about, and then hits you suddenly with something else. It escaped the trap, crawled to the day light, and showed something new. The winning story is a story that has a theme and message that is clear and visable now, but when you think about the themes and messages from both, and are able to see the message Allechka sends, you realize that while for the moment the story “Not That I Care” maybe considered the best, once it has been figured out history will note that Allechka is truly the best. Realistically Allechka’s message will not be found, it will be buried in archives never to be seen again, but for now, for those of us who can see the message, it acts as a symbol of hope, that great writing still does exist, and that there are many pieces buried that are awaiting to see the daylight, and to have there genius shown.



“Not That I Care”:

Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley inspires hope. He shows that the prominent figures from history could be anyone, given the opportunity. He shows a brighter tomorrow, and that progress is moving towards that brighter future. The art he creates inspires me to keep moving forwards and to never look back. He takes pictures that show the tyranny of the past, from the kings of France, and replaces the powerful tyrants of the past with himself. To sum up his work in one line i would say, we can not change the past, what is done is done, but we can change our future.


1. Bansky has a right to do what he is doing…for the mos part, some are illegal, but he has a right to speak his mind. Even if that means through art. I like them, they show truth and meaning. He shows what is happening in the world.

2.Its all art, its expression and imagery. Alternate names prevent you from possible trouble.It also lets you express something with no repercussions, like a blog.

3.It depends on the person, each person views it differently, I would like my work in public, but I’m fine with hiding in the shadows, awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike.